
miss them

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hari Buruh.

its holiday people ( by the time i worte this its already friday,well sort of la since m writing in between time) normal day when traffic getting more massive and shopping mall crowed as there is free give away. hehe, okey that the deal for each hols lah. we should be thankful for the bless as the is more hols then working period.

Harinya bermula indah sekali, di saat pagi ku bangun waahh sudah genap hampir lewat satu owhiya pastinya satu itu bukan lah wktu pagi tetapi sudah di tghari..haha jika tidak kerana menonton bola mlm kelmarin pasti boleh sje ku bgun pagi. well ku capai tepon  dok pikir spe yg harus ku txt, sepolh minit belalu kiranya aku bukan berfikir but dok ngadap pc. layan ms neway ku TXT sara tasha as she promise to have lunch wif result she's in kl and wont be by the time one called 'lunch' more like a late tea je.heks so terpaksa lah ku tangguh janji2 manis nya mergikut kesesuaian masa,jdi supposed today (fri) dia belanja aku lunch yeay! well ku txt zul ask the same thing ,ges wut luck is my side wen si gile tuh kate moe fetch ku. so after a while siap2 ku g a makan.sesampainya zul ku ask him if he wanted to invite diah. * one ironic thing is we invite her to get her pissed at us.oh my such a non-gud friends we are..  because of the evil idea she wasent free ..oke lah we cont makan

the time is 2 m dropped off at the train, since m goin to kl..zul and mas not katanya ada exam.*haih scary la exam i havent done thgs for ku off ke kl sorang2 cam gile. the super slow train pack wif all the bangla, indon, jawa and i cant really describe which country does all this people liat saja keadaan train nih. pack mcm harritege row semalam. and the BO ohh so out frm this world.gile beb jika ader makcik yg pragnent pasti nya suda pitam.or worst bleh kene kejutan rupa.well semasa trus nyusuri landasan besi dan bunyi2 keperbagaian bahsa di dlm train ku terima TXT msg dari ayu.kata nya tak buleh join lepak since she wif othr clique, the other msg ku rcive are frm yasmin.saying that she'll be at OU, my tought was vary.shld ku lepak sme Ecah or min.hrmm..

sesampai je ku kat mid dem rupanya sini lagi la rmi umat yg ku tatau mane datang nya.jika di liat peta atau koordinasi penduduk sekitar tidak la mencecah angka sedayst ini.kebarangkalian untuk sesebuah mall menerima kejutan pengunjung yg sebegini ramai adalah pasif..ternyata hari buruh memberi bayak buruh kasar masa untuk shoppin mahupun lepak yg tidak terbeda.okey sekali lagi ku membelek pone jika ada sisir2 lefted msg yg tidak ku bc lagi.oh tidak ada.imaginasi ku je kata cam ader.hah ku off ke topshop.wah banyak minah2 indon dan cina kokak di sini..hah acara cuci mata.

few minit pass still havent recive any msg frm ecah,guess she went deft as the last msg i sent. or just being deaf.hrm eithr way its reach almost 430 and she havent apper where in the first plce she strgly insint to meet at 3.gile awal. in the quest wating the light of dope ecah ku bump on skila.uhh wif hijab nampak.haha lawak. we chatted and her last paper is..urhh today.yeah made me wonder again mine is on?.owh 9..god  again the feeling made me realise i havnt done shits.hah but cam biasak la kejap je the feeling then we move on, as i get my way to mph ecah call.she sound like a cool person eventho she knew m pissed.."yeah at mph k i waited..dont u worry gonna get there like 5 minits. just chill allrite?" la 5 mint dia.sumpah 30 mint bru dia muncul itu pun di mng..gile tatau beza mng sme mph ke?tau la ader words M infrnt.well whole day ku follow dia browsing ku browsing gilrssssss..hahah owh no not indon or bangla girls oke this is the coutmr yg ader anrd mid v.  selain dari ku ade capit, izar and the girls kat UM which ku tatau wuts her name.she seem nice.haha 

7 we makan.ecah blajer its so dem hard to perused her its like menolak sebuah kuda untuk masuk ke dalam van.evntho it not possible ttp sgt susah..well at the end she did la blanje..hah thanks ecah! kmi makan besa di kfc yg sekali lagi PACK gile..haih KFC je kot..itu pon nak pack ke?.orang kl nih tak pernak makan kfc ke ape after the makan , after that kmi reramai buying toiletries kat watson kmi decide tuk pulang whereby ecam moe ke pwtc HUJAN ader show,*owh she is manager hujan so u got the picture rite. dia ajak kiteorang..hrmm tade kete takmoe well the rest..sume cam penat je.haha penat cuci mata dow. ku reach home at 10 browsing MS and check mail sume..and wishing SHE was online..hah she did tapi just after awhile ku online, tot nak say hie.tapi..herm semalm dah say hie  today pon nak ke?cam irritating je..k la just a simple nite2 wish ku txted kat pone haih ble la nak serius2 ni uhhh wut a day.finally ku got to hang wif pretty gud time.bleh a kire since all kick off gud.

owh there 2 thng shocked me 
*1st is frenkie gimmie her num tru MS
*2nd thig gal i dont noe pon give her num tru hp..
erk? apakah?
well apa sajalah as long dosent mke me a wut fara peeps said i was last week.

herm ari nih *jumaat pastinya sgt pack.uhh moe ngabil lomo and seeing sara and owh ambik thesis and yeap sattle kan MAJOR WORK...which is ku tak buat ape lgi.
ahhh scaryyyyyyyy

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