it another day that i gone tru prfectly dope and useless, as day kickin off with huge drastic of immigitation of one self admire,whreby an glorious promises are ditch far away from my self-cntious ..tu la spe suruh tido lewat,smbil meletakan harapan tuk bngun awal kerap nih berlakunya tido yg carried in other word ku tak pergi class tadi.the nx period ku woke up adalah ketika recive txt frm sha.its was a complain regrading the lomo cam.haih nak tak nak kene naik fact.uuhhh it was late and once for about forever ku skipped lagi friday it was meantd.ape2 je la.once ku in the bus nak masuk uni the guard jdi rajin plak nak check all the people.ader id card or not.hekele kecah dow. and all pass with flaying clr except this mak cik indon she work for the uni kot.ntah la.the guard seem mbbling sumthig since i was all in stuffed with metal song wasent really pay attention lah.
on my way to fact, i was goin thrgh a group of my jr.and supricly one of them wave at me..well i thk its me lah since takde orang lain there, my reaction was stuffing..hahah like between shocked and dont gv a shit.haha wtever lah.then m off my way pass the lomo and off to kl.haih bosan gile takde yg menaris moe dipandang kiri dan kanan hanya longgokan manusia yg berpusu ke kl , arus yg semakin menyepit dan lembab bikin ku ngatuk.ble la nak smpi kl.almost one hour di jlnraya ku smpi ke kl.trs ngabil tren ke pudu.masih kelihatan kanak2 kecil pulang dari sekolah diantaranya imigrant yg berseklh di kl.terutama indo yg tah nape ku dok terbump sme budak2 seklh indo nih..sumpah chomel2 thir notice my hair.weeee..its a ugly hair do neway.owh sesampi je hadapan kedai yg develop lomo ku dap dap dap hati berdegup.since ku tatau how was the result.hpe tak cacat.the chinese woman tke more thn 10mnt cri ku nye pic..ku dah start runsing nih.mane la tau tak jdi an the pic.haih mamposs.neway dr tadi sorang cutmr asy tangkap gambr nrusi fish eye nak menunjuk je.ape je la dow maslh dia.well ku dpt the reslt lomo it was oke.haha then ku off ke kl.
otw ke kl.chie txtd ajk lepak.woah best2 ku hang sme dia kat darus,cite ttg life and such she was complainin about her BFF and BF and her stdy.haha nk juga ku tnye kan dia pasal fara.but wtf she was dominnat kan so iya kan je la wif her stry we talk about marrige and stuff, as well the promise that she made me make yg if bth of us tak kawin in 10 years then i had to marry her.erk..wat was tht?well i was talking trash she pissed hahaha
zum zum zumm were off she is leaving and i was off to birthday was oke la..eventho sume tak knl an..afat was in rush we leaving at 12 yati ask for dropped off kat s.a, and me too..i reach home at 12 mthng ahfat went to cyber stone..hahaha here i am writting the blog at 4 am wif overwhelimg commnt try ms and ym ku still smpt wish her usual.ahh happy is i cld lepak wif her talking about sky and sun as taking lomo pic...which is never will happen..hahah
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